Main Street Infrastructure Improvements

Water Line Replacement
This project component includes replacing the existing 8-inch water line on Main Street beginning near 1960 Main Street to Chetola Lake Drive. This replacement will also include all hydrants, valves, pressure management features, and service connections.

Sewer Line Replacement
In addition to water line replacement, this project also includes replacement of the existing sanitary sewer line on Main Street through the Downtown core area, from Chestnut Street to Park Avenue. Manholes and service lines will also be replaced during completion of this phase.

This project also includes installation of new concrete sidewalk along the north side of Main Street from US Highway 221 to Hill Street.
Sidewalk Installation

The official Notice to Proceed date for the project is August 7, 2023. On or after this date, the Contractor is authorized to begin work on the project. The project will proceed in the following manner:
Work will begin on the southern end of the project, with water line replacement from the 1900 block of Main Street to Chestnut Drive occurring during Summer/Fall of 2023. **If this section of the project is completed prior to Winter, work may begin on the northern end of the project, between US-221 and Chetola Lake Drive.
During the Winter months of 2023 and 2024, water and sewer line replacement in the Downtown Core will be underway. This schedule is an attempt to minimize disruptions to downtown businesses and visitors.
Sidewalk installation from US-221 to Hill Street was originally scheduled for Spring 2024, but due to the completion of substantial private projects in this area, the sidewalk installation schedule was accelerated to allow better access from the street to private establishments. This work is now beginning in September 2023.
Any remaining work on the project will be completed during Summer, 2024.
The completion of the project is scheduled for September, 2024.

Summer 2023
Winter 23/24
Spring 2024
September 2024
Work Begins
Work in Downtown
Sidewalk Installation & Remainder of Water/Sewer
The existing and new water and sewer lines are located within the roadway. In order to complete replacement of these lines, the pavement on Main Street will be removed within the trench area. With the majority of this work occurring within the paved roadway, traffic control is required, and travel will be reduced to one lane during construction. While the contractor will focus on minimizing impacts and delays to motorists, some delays can be expected throughout the project.

Where possible, the contractor will use Automated Flagging Assistance Devices, also known as AFADs, to control traffic within the workzone. These devices consist of a trailer-mounted signal with pivoting barrier arm. The AFADs use a yellow caution light to signal motorists to proceed with caution through the workzone, and a red signal light notifying motorists to stop. With each motion, the barrier arm is either raised to notify motorists it is safe to proceed with caution, or lowered to notify motorists to stop.
Beyond impacts to traffic and travel during construction, the project also includes replacement of water and sewer service connections for customers within the project footprint. During times when these connections are being switched from existing service lines to new service lines, water and sewer service will be briefly interrupted. These switchovers will be performed as quickly as possible, and coordination with property owners will be required prior to service interruption.


Blowing Rock Town Hall
(828) 295-5200